Friday 24 June 2016


There are numerous things in which the greater part of the men think alike or act alike, like enthusiasm and passion for games, sex, hanging out with friends, boosting around, so is it reasonable that ladies classify every one of them in the same category based on these attributes!

The majority of the ladies have numerous things(more than we men have) common among them, such as shopping, tattling or gossiping, bitching, make up.....but you never hear any men say that all ladies are the same, questions is why?

We really never hear a man say all ladies are the same? When you infer that most ladies say "All men are the same!", it makes me wonder if you realize that you actually simply did precisely the same that you are blaming these speculative ladies for. You are fundamentally inquiring as to why all ladies are the same and say all men are the same. At the point when actually all men are not the same, nor are all ladies.

Speculation aren't going to help you make sense of ladies. Particularly when you characterize every one of them as being occupied with tattling and bitching and make up,well i  know a lot of fellows who love bitching. And the various things as well.

What do all men have in common? Male life systems (anatomy). Furthermore, the other way around for ladies. Past that, there are a billion things at play. Society, culture, genetics, social strata, money related security, communication skills, and so forth...

In the event that the ladies you are interacting with reliably saying that you are like every other men, then you have to take a gander at the regular component in each one of those situations. Whenever you hear it, in the event that you are getting dumped or rejected, rather than assuming all ladies are the same, express gratitude towards them for telling you. At that point inquire as to whether regardless they would still talk with you, to clarify what the major behavioral things you did were that incited that reaction, since you need to figure out how to make strides. In the event that you haven't estranged them, they may be useful and clarify where you turned out badly. Ask your person companions as well. On the off chance that they are genuine companions they might have the capacity to convey something you are doing that could be off putting.

Therefore in conclusion, to you all ladies who exclaim all men are the same, should from today stop saying so because in reality its not true at all. from the thorough research and i mean thorough research, yes thorough research, all these ladies who exclaim that all men are the same, are these ladies whose marriages or relationships have totally failed because of this total false perspection they have in their heads, remember whenever you try to be negative about something you indeed will never achieve that particular thing, take an example for those in high school who used to say chemistry is hard, trust me indeed no one passed it, do you think if steve jobs (RIP) was so negative about himself, we would have apple gadgets or  if bill gates was negative, we would have microsoft. so please ladies and all women be positive always and wash your brains without that false perspection of "all men are the same", for God's sake all men are different and so do women!.


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