Tuesday 21 June 2016


Today I have woke up when am really so sad and totally mad, I have started hating my own Ugandans on some few things hear and there, whenever we have someone battling with cancer, Ugandans are very good at collecting money from the society to take the victims over seas like India, UK, USA for treatment, they always have washing car days for cancer patients, fundraising from society and schools at large, and in fact they collect the expected amount of money for these patients and even exceed to the expected amount of money, quote me well this is a very good way of sympathy, care and love but how many times are we going to do this, why can't we really collect that money and buy our own machines and be treating the cancer patients from our own country without them traveling over seas, why do we only collect it when we see someone reaching to the death trap and start these things of fundraising. 

Whenever we loose someone through boda boda accidents we always the first to post on social media platforms that "RIP, you have gone to soon and  we shall miss you" and you start hating on the boda boda cyclists that they are very bad at driving, well yes some of them are very reckless but question is how many times are we going to blame them for their reckless when our very own traffic light police can leave these boda boda cyclists to ride and go when the traffic lights are red, stop blaming these boda boda men and blame the laws governing them, in Rwanda, Malaysia, Singapore and other more countries have laws governing these boda boda men, you can't ride without helmets and also they have their own cyclists roads, why can't Uganda really do that, why can't we really blame the government and the traffic light police for not doing their work, why wait for someone to die and post on social media "RIP these boda boda cyclists are killers and reckless" can't we really prevent and reduce these boda boda accidents. Please let's stop blaming these cyclists and blame the bad laws that govern them. Otherwise may your soul rest in peace Doreen, have no idea about you but the information have had about you is that you have been so clever in class, well mannered young girl and a beautiful young girl.

"What can we do to stop motorcycle accidents in Uganda??" Comment below.


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