Monday 6 June 2016

We all know how people around the world love to party and mostly my own Ugandans a very good at partying, and today I would love to look at different types of people you always see at different parties and having their own fun in their special ways and to my friends or your friends with whom you party with can surely tell you which type of party animal you are:
1: The Dancers. These are type of people who go to parties and fully dance hard to every song and every song is their song, they dance "paka chin" as if they won't have any other party tomorrow. Most of all they don't care whether their is someone on the dance floor or not, they don't care if their friends are gonna dance or not. They just step on the floor and dance off their feet. Congratulations to these people they make the party most interesting Anyways.
2: The Wall warmers. These really love going to parties but they don't really dance at all, they always go to hold the wall and look on as if they have lost someone, you will force them to go to the dance floor but they will never dance, they are always on their drinks drinking as if they are FBI or investigators just watching over people having good time. I salute these people Anyways.
3: The Requesters. These are people who go to parties and tell the DJs what music to play they be like "hey DJ play so songs from Chris Brown, wizkid etc, they usually get angry if the DJ doesn't play their requests and blame the place for boring always. I always wonder what these guys come to do at parties for Gods sake why can't they buy their own systems and become DJs, hell no I hate these people.
4: The fly guys (Smart guys). These don't attract people cause of what they are dancing but rather what they have wore that night, they always shut down the entire place. They always have the most expensive clothes, shoes, watches like Rolex phones like IPhone, nice perfume, sun glasses as if there is sunshine at night. Sometimes I hate such guys but on the other hand I love them cause hey pull of the swagg.
5: The chair dancers/warmers. These are people who go to parties and just sit in their chairs and sip some wine and when their song plays, OMG they are the best dancers and only dance in their chairs. At times they tend to be the best dancers and when someone tells them to get on the dancer floor they like ooooooh no I don't wanna dance. I love these guys thought especially when a babe is seated on the guy, it tends to be so romantic.
6: The let's Go party people. These are people who go to the party and when you reach there, they are like you know what bruh!!! Let's go back home the party isn't good enough am even feeling sleepy. I personally I hate these such guys they really suck and piss me off.
7: The take aways (skippers). These are people who always attend wedding ceremony, graduation ceremonies, baby showers, birthday parties or even house parties, and when the party ends they always pack food and have themselves a take away. They never care about what party it is but all they care about is have they packed their "take away". I love such people cause they are confident enough and when it comes to food well am not a joking subject.
Just comment below and tell me what type of party animal you are.

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