Tuesday 19 March 2019


Remember how the world worried about drug addiction, now forget about drug addiction anymore there is a new addiction that is on everyone’s talk of the day that probably won’t come to an end and that is the Social media addiction which has of nowadays been used so excessively among users more especially teenagers. They have constantly checked updates, statuses or even stalking other people’s profiles on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, twitter and snapchat for many hours and this can be defined as compulsive manner that leads to negative effect among people where by people feel compelled to do certain activities such as assignments, face to face interactions, physical exercises like jogging, playing football or even going to school and work (walker 2016). Social media addiction can be caused due to several things such as too much dependency on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, twitter or snapchat by stalking people like friends, friends of friends, work mates, school mates and more especially celebrities like actors, actresses and in particular musicians in order to know what they are up to, where they are traveling to or holding concerts from.
Another sign of social media addiction can be decrease in work productivity where by people who work mostly spend too much time through chatting with their friends browsing on social media sites (Dr. Biswajit Das and Jyoti Shankar sahoo) for example during traffic jam, after work or even at work, after lectures or even waking up in the morning, the first thing to do is to check ones Facebook page for posts, comments and reviews and tweets on twitter, Instagram for picture uploads and snapchat to check what others are up to or what they did the previous day or night, in that way some of the employees have lost their jobs due to social media addiction. As per a study authorized by Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing firm, 54% of U.S. organizations say that they have banned workers from using social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and MySpace while at work. The study found that 19% of organizations permit informal communication use just for business purposes, while 16% permit restricted individual use (Gaudin, 2009). Social media addiction among teenagers in this era may be the worst social media behaviour and it’s quit hard to change the teenagers from this addiction, other social media negative behaviours may include social media depression and cyber bullying. All in all social media users should be kin and sincere to themselves and plan on how long to use social media sites and I urge everyone to spend more time doing oral interactions such as face to face communication rather than social media interactions because no one can control social media use expect you as an individual and social media is there to stay.
According to a study commissioned by Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing firm, 54% of U.S. companies say that they have banned workers from using social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace while on the job. The study, released today, also found that 19% of companies allow social networking use only for business purposes, while 16% allow limited personal use.
This is a YouTube link of social media addiction documentary; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWgMnh3uxIU


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