Monday 6 June 2016

Apparently we all well know how sweet to be loved is and how to love is, this was back in my high school when I finally found love for my first time in my life and that's when I was in form three, OMG I was so hyped that there was nothing I would really worry about and nothing would ever go wrong in my life, if someone would talk wrong and trash about me, I wouldn't care cause I had a "girlfriend", I really think I was to to happy and excited that it ran all my emotions, the girl that time I had was extra ordinary, I bet anyone would really love to date her she was indeed very beautiful, bootylicious and had a charming face though. And the thing about LOVE is, it makes you foolish, stupid, dump, idiotic things, one day I really thought that we indeed serious in this relationship cause we had been together for about a year and plus, you know it was my first time so I thought she was the apple of my eye for my entire life, I had to introduce her to my dad, thinking that she would really know that am very serious about this relationship, good enough my dad is some extra ordinary African parent, he indeed loved this pretty girl. Am sure some people are now saying how would I really do this telling my dad that am in love- yes I did so cause I really loved her and my dad is a cool one, I was very nervous though before I took her to my dad but I prayed a lot so as everything would go on smoothly and indeed it did work out well cause my dad hopefully knew I had a girlfriend since it was the stage and I was about 17 years old. You know how fearful you can be to your dad, introducing a girl to him, my mind run a bit mad and crazy on how to introduce her as a friend or girlfriend but I was so courageous I really did introduce her as my girlfriend, my dad was surprised cause he knows me as a "quit quiet guy", I was speechless though.
But let me tell you friends yes I introduced her but then after we broke up I have never got any other courage ever again to introduce my girlfriend to my dad. The only advise I can give you dear friends is never introduce any so called girlfriend or boyfriend to your parents until you very sure that you will live with her for life and ever and that's when you take your vows in church, girlfriends and boyfriends are are not even supposed to be introduced to parents, though it's a good practice but trust me if you are a guy or babe who falls in love with another babe or guy after months or weeks or even a year, well don't even dare introduce your bae or boo to your parents, the more girlfriends you introduce the more you will be judged either being called a womaniser or a whore.

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