Friday 24 June 2016


There are numerous things in which the greater part of the men think alike or act alike, like enthusiasm and passion for games, sex, hanging out with friends, boosting around, so is it reasonable that ladies classify every one of them in the same category based on these attributes!

The majority of the ladies have numerous things(more than we men have) common among them, such as shopping, tattling or gossiping, bitching, make up.....but you never hear any men say that all ladies are the same, questions is why?

We really never hear a man say all ladies are the same? When you infer that most ladies say "All men are the same!", it makes me wonder if you realize that you actually simply did precisely the same that you are blaming these speculative ladies for. You are fundamentally inquiring as to why all ladies are the same and say all men are the same. At the point when actually all men are not the same, nor are all ladies.

Speculation aren't going to help you make sense of ladies. Particularly when you characterize every one of them as being occupied with tattling and bitching and make up,well i  know a lot of fellows who love bitching. And the various things as well.

What do all men have in common? Male life systems (anatomy). Furthermore, the other way around for ladies. Past that, there are a billion things at play. Society, culture, genetics, social strata, money related security, communication skills, and so forth...

In the event that the ladies you are interacting with reliably saying that you are like every other men, then you have to take a gander at the regular component in each one of those situations. Whenever you hear it, in the event that you are getting dumped or rejected, rather than assuming all ladies are the same, express gratitude towards them for telling you. At that point inquire as to whether regardless they would still talk with you, to clarify what the major behavioral things you did were that incited that reaction, since you need to figure out how to make strides. In the event that you haven't estranged them, they may be useful and clarify where you turned out badly. Ask your person companions as well. On the off chance that they are genuine companions they might have the capacity to convey something you are doing that could be off putting.

Therefore in conclusion, to you all ladies who exclaim all men are the same, should from today stop saying so because in reality its not true at all. from the thorough research and i mean thorough research, yes thorough research, all these ladies who exclaim that all men are the same, are these ladies whose marriages or relationships have totally failed because of this total false perspection they have in their heads, remember whenever you try to be negative about something you indeed will never achieve that particular thing, take an example for those in high school who used to say chemistry is hard, trust me indeed no one passed it, do you think if steve jobs (RIP) was so negative about himself, we would have apple gadgets or  if bill gates was negative, we would have microsoft. so please ladies and all women be positive always and wash your brains without that false perspection of "all men are the same", for God's sake all men are different and so do women!.


Tuesday 21 June 2016


Today I have woke up when am really so sad and totally mad, I have started hating my own Ugandans on some few things hear and there, whenever we have someone battling with cancer, Ugandans are very good at collecting money from the society to take the victims over seas like India, UK, USA for treatment, they always have washing car days for cancer patients, fundraising from society and schools at large, and in fact they collect the expected amount of money for these patients and even exceed to the expected amount of money, quote me well this is a very good way of sympathy, care and love but how many times are we going to do this, why can't we really collect that money and buy our own machines and be treating the cancer patients from our own country without them traveling over seas, why do we only collect it when we see someone reaching to the death trap and start these things of fundraising. 

Whenever we loose someone through boda boda accidents we always the first to post on social media platforms that "RIP, you have gone to soon and  we shall miss you" and you start hating on the boda boda cyclists that they are very bad at driving, well yes some of them are very reckless but question is how many times are we going to blame them for their reckless when our very own traffic light police can leave these boda boda cyclists to ride and go when the traffic lights are red, stop blaming these boda boda men and blame the laws governing them, in Rwanda, Malaysia, Singapore and other more countries have laws governing these boda boda men, you can't ride without helmets and also they have their own cyclists roads, why can't Uganda really do that, why can't we really blame the government and the traffic light police for not doing their work, why wait for someone to die and post on social media "RIP these boda boda cyclists are killers and reckless" can't we really prevent and reduce these boda boda accidents. Please let's stop blaming these cyclists and blame the bad laws that govern them. Otherwise may your soul rest in peace Doreen, have no idea about you but the information have had about you is that you have been so clever in class, well mannered young girl and a beautiful young girl.

"What can we do to stop motorcycle accidents in Uganda??" Comment below.


Monday 6 June 2016

Apparently we all well know how sweet to be loved is and how to love is, this was back in my high school when I finally found love for my first time in my life and that's when I was in form three, OMG I was so hyped that there was nothing I would really worry about and nothing would ever go wrong in my life, if someone would talk wrong and trash about me, I wouldn't care cause I had a "girlfriend", I really think I was to to happy and excited that it ran all my emotions, the girl that time I had was extra ordinary, I bet anyone would really love to date her she was indeed very beautiful, bootylicious and had a charming face though. And the thing about LOVE is, it makes you foolish, stupid, dump, idiotic things, one day I really thought that we indeed serious in this relationship cause we had been together for about a year and plus, you know it was my first time so I thought she was the apple of my eye for my entire life, I had to introduce her to my dad, thinking that she would really know that am very serious about this relationship, good enough my dad is some extra ordinary African parent, he indeed loved this pretty girl. Am sure some people are now saying how would I really do this telling my dad that am in love- yes I did so cause I really loved her and my dad is a cool one, I was very nervous though before I took her to my dad but I prayed a lot so as everything would go on smoothly and indeed it did work out well cause my dad hopefully knew I had a girlfriend since it was the stage and I was about 17 years old. You know how fearful you can be to your dad, introducing a girl to him, my mind run a bit mad and crazy on how to introduce her as a friend or girlfriend but I was so courageous I really did introduce her as my girlfriend, my dad was surprised cause he knows me as a "quit quiet guy", I was speechless though.
But let me tell you friends yes I introduced her but then after we broke up I have never got any other courage ever again to introduce my girlfriend to my dad. The only advise I can give you dear friends is never introduce any so called girlfriend or boyfriend to your parents until you very sure that you will live with her for life and ever and that's when you take your vows in church, girlfriends and boyfriends are are not even supposed to be introduced to parents, though it's a good practice but trust me if you are a guy or babe who falls in love with another babe or guy after months or weeks or even a year, well don't even dare introduce your bae or boo to your parents, the more girlfriends you introduce the more you will be judged either being called a womaniser or a whore.
We all know how people around the world love to party and mostly my own Ugandans a very good at partying, and today I would love to look at different types of people you always see at different parties and having their own fun in their special ways and to my friends or your friends with whom you party with can surely tell you which type of party animal you are:
1: The Dancers. These are type of people who go to parties and fully dance hard to every song and every song is their song, they dance "paka chin" as if they won't have any other party tomorrow. Most of all they don't care whether their is someone on the dance floor or not, they don't care if their friends are gonna dance or not. They just step on the floor and dance off their feet. Congratulations to these people they make the party most interesting Anyways.
2: The Wall warmers. These really love going to parties but they don't really dance at all, they always go to hold the wall and look on as if they have lost someone, you will force them to go to the dance floor but they will never dance, they are always on their drinks drinking as if they are FBI or investigators just watching over people having good time. I salute these people Anyways.
3: The Requesters. These are people who go to parties and tell the DJs what music to play they be like "hey DJ play so songs from Chris Brown, wizkid etc, they usually get angry if the DJ doesn't play their requests and blame the place for boring always. I always wonder what these guys come to do at parties for Gods sake why can't they buy their own systems and become DJs, hell no I hate these people.
4: The fly guys (Smart guys). These don't attract people cause of what they are dancing but rather what they have wore that night, they always shut down the entire place. They always have the most expensive clothes, shoes, watches like Rolex phones like IPhone, nice perfume, sun glasses as if there is sunshine at night. Sometimes I hate such guys but on the other hand I love them cause hey pull of the swagg.
5: The chair dancers/warmers. These are people who go to parties and just sit in their chairs and sip some wine and when their song plays, OMG they are the best dancers and only dance in their chairs. At times they tend to be the best dancers and when someone tells them to get on the dancer floor they like ooooooh no I don't wanna dance. I love these guys thought especially when a babe is seated on the guy, it tends to be so romantic.
6: The let's Go party people. These are people who go to the party and when you reach there, they are like you know what bruh!!! Let's go back home the party isn't good enough am even feeling sleepy. I personally I hate these such guys they really suck and piss me off.
7: The take aways (skippers). These are people who always attend wedding ceremony, graduation ceremonies, baby showers, birthday parties or even house parties, and when the party ends they always pack food and have themselves a take away. They never care about what party it is but all they care about is have they packed their "take away". I love such people cause they are confident enough and when it comes to food well am not a joking subject.
Just comment below and tell me what type of party animal you are.

Saturday 4 June 2016


A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses. The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate, for the good and the bad. Think about it, almost all of our sorrows spring out of relationships with the wrong people instead. The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve, it’s because the people you associate with aren’t worthy to stand on your side besides there are good ones who will stand besides you, support you in any form as long as they can.
In life, if you find yourself taking two steps forward and one step backwards, invariably it’s because you have mixed associations in your life and that’s friends. Remember the most important attribute in most successful people is their impatience with people who think and act negatively. Misery wants your company but you don’t have to let it in the door, instead have self-esteem, confidence, belief, respect for others, faith and trust in God the almighty because he is above all things and with him everything is possible.
We become like those with whom we associate. We need to be very careful of the kind of insulation we use in our lives, we do need to insulate ourselves from negative people, ideas and failures but we should never insulate ourselves from Godly counsel and wisdom, for he can solve all the problems we encounter in life. When you go astray, sit down with your friends, get together make a foundation level then you will see the improvement on your life because I believe they bring out the best in us and influence us to improve. They cause us to have a greater faith and confidence and to see things from God’s perspective. After being with them, our spirits and our sights are raised as they keep advising, encouraging and being Godly.
In life, I found out that it is better to be alone than in the wrong company. A single conversation with the right person can be more valuable than years of study. When you surround yourself with the right kind of people, you enter the God oriented power of agreement. Remember in the eyes of average people, average is always considered outstanding. Look carefully at your closest associations, because it’s an indication of the direction you are heading to.
Lastly but not list, two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better. If one falls, the other pulls him up but if a man falls when he is alone, he is in trouble and one standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back to back and conquer, three is even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken. Two heads are always better than one therefore a friend in need is a friend indeed.
                                                                                                             MICHEAL BOLTON AYEBS

Thursday 14 January 2016

Hard news make it on front pages! its all about politics in this post.

How special are news in the world today? One may wonder about that but truth to be told, news is something great to know about, without news we wouldn’t know what the world is all about, we wouldn’t know what the latest information across the world. News is published minutes after minutes hours after hours, and on a daily basis, news is published in newspapers, televisions, radios, and also on social media such as Facebook, YouTube, blogs and twitter. News is categorised in very many ways such as hard news, soft news and investigation news but for my topic am looking at hard news.
Hard news Stories make up the bulk of news reporting that consists of basic facts like who, what, when, where and how, hard News are about important events such as politics, government actions, International happenings, social conditions, the economy, crime, the environment and science, also has significance for large number of people reading about them and usually filled at the front pages of newspapers and the lead top stories of televisions, radios and social media like Facebook, twitter and blogs, hard news also is news that is up to minute on events that happen and reported straight away after happening. Henceforth, am looking at only political issues hear that from under hard news from different online blogs.

In addition to the above, one of the examples of hard news from the political side is “Obama cries over guns, then frees more terrorists” Published January 08, 2016 by,  another headline was “This is the moment Obama cried during his speech on gun control” published on January 6, 2016 by fusion blog. These blogs used different forms of headlines to describe about the same news which is about H.E Barack Obama crying in public over guns in the U.S.A. In his speech, the president explained the new measures and stronger background checks, better enforcement of gun safety laws already in place, better support for mentally ill Americans, and improved technology that would make it harder to steal guns, among others won’t rob citizens of their Second Amendment rights. Rather, Obama said, they would offer more protection of other rights, like peaceful assembly. But there was one moment that brought H.E Barack Obama to tears with an emotional face, Obama pointed to recent incidents where minority groups were targeted and killed by guns and finally this was the emotional moment and memory when he had to shed tears but this is the news that made not only my day but to many across the world, why would a president really cry, it looks to funny for me.

videos of obama shedding tears while giving speech

More to the above, the second example of hard news from the political issues is, “Rebel Leader Machar set for big return as South Sudan coalition govt up in January” published by on 15 JANUARY 2016. Another blog headline was “South Sudan: Rebels Welcome Kiir's Decision to Form Joint Transitional Government” published by on 8 JANUARY 2016.

president salva kiir and rebel commander  Riek Macharin pictures last year on their coalition. 

video about south sudan coalition of last year.

The third news is also from the political side which is “Uproar As John Magufuli Orders All ‘Foreigners’ To Surrender Their Jobs To Tanzanians” published on 8th January 2016 by, another headline from the is “Magufuli wants illegal foreigners deported” published on 9th January 2016. All the two news approached this news from a different angle but all on the same topic of president Magufuli wanting to deport all foreigners working in Tanzania. It’s so bad that when a new president comes in, the economy has to go down in most African countries. The newly elected president Magufuli of Tanzania wants all foreigner workers in his country to pack and go back to their home countries so that his people can have jobs and this time round his actions have left everyone wondering why and how he would do this to them. He has ordered all foreigners without working permits and residence permits to leave the country as soon as possible. 

Video  about Tanzania government justifies the expulsion of foreigners.

Apparently in my own understanding, the most important news is always on the top of newspapers, televisions, radios and social media like Facebook, twitter and always go viral   and the least news is always at the end of newspapers, televisions and radios. Most of the hard news especially political news is on the front pages of newspapers because it always includes current events and so do audiences need to know what’s immediately taking place across the world. Political news headlines are always accurate and true with good headlines interesting to read for everyone who seems to be interested also. Unfortunately the worst thing about political news most times is always involving in conflicts between governments and oppositions. Last but not least I quote the most quote about politics “politics is a dirty game”, no wonder why there is so much conflicts, violence’s and fights in politics.

References, (2016). South Sudan: Rebels Welcome New Coalition Govt. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2016].

Fusion, (2016). This is the Moment Obama Cried During His Speech on Gun Control. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2016].

Gordon, (2016). Obama cries over guns, then frees more terrorists | Fox News. [online] Fox News. Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2016].

January, R. (2016). Rebel Leader Machar set for big return as South Sudan coalition govt up in January. [online] Africa Cradle. Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2016].

Kingsley, D. (2016). Uproar As John Magufuli Orders All ‘Foreigners’ To Surrender Their Jobs To Tanzanians. [online] Niaje!. Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2016].

The Star, Kenya, (2016). Magufuli wants illegal foreigners deported. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2016].