Sunday 28 June 2020

Hard news make it on front pages! It’s all about politics in this post.

How special are news in the world today? One may wonder about that but truth to be told, news is something great to know about, without news we wouldn’t know what the world is all about, we wouldn’t know what the latest information across the world. News is published minutes after minute’s hours after hours, and on a daily basis, news is published in newspapers, televisions, radios, and also on the "mighty" social media such as Facebook, YouTube, blogs and twitter. News is categorised in very many ways such as hard news, soft news and investigation news but for now am looking at hard news.
Hard news stories make up the bulk of news reporting that consists of basic facts like who, what, when, where and how, hard News are about important events such as politics, government actions, International happenings, social conditions, the economy, crime, the environment and science, also has significance for large number of people reading about them and usually filled at the front pages of newspapers and the lead top stories of televisions, radios and social media like Facebook, twitter and blogs, hard news also is news that is up to minute on events that happen and reported straight away after happening. Henceforth, lets look at only political issues here that are under hard news from different online blogs.

In addition to the above, one of the examples of hard news from the political side is “Obama cries over guns, then frees more terrorists” Published January 08, 2016 by,  another headline was “This is the moment Obama cried during his speech on gun control” published on January 6, 2016 by fusion blog. These blogs used different forms of headlines to describe about the same news which is about H.E Barack Obama crying in public over guns in the U.S.A. In his speech, the president explained the new measures and stronger background checks, better enforcement of gun safety laws already in place, better support for mentally ill Americans, and improved technology that would make it harder to steal guns, among others won’t rob citizens of their Second Amendment rights. Rather, Obama said, they would offer more protection of other rights, like peaceful assembly. But there was one moment that brought H.E Barack Obama to tears with an emotional face, Obama pointed to recent incidents where minority groups were targeted and killed by guns and finally this was the emotional moment and memory when he had to shed tears but this is the news that made not only my day but to many across the world, why would a president really cry, it looks to funny for me.
More to the above, the second example of hard news from the political issues is, “Rebel Leader Machar set for big return as South Sudan coalition government t up in January” published by on 15 JANUARY 2016. Another blog headline was “South Sudan: Rebels Welcome Kiir's Decision to Form Joint Transitional Government” published by on 8 JANUARY 2016.

The third news is also from the political side which is “Uproar as John Magufuli Orders All ‘Foreigners’ To Surrender Their Jobs to Tanzanians” published on 8th January 2016 by, another headline from the is “Magufuli wants illegal foreigners deported” published on 9th January 2016. All the two news approached this news from a different angle but all on the same topic of president Magufuli wanting to deport all foreigners working in Tanzania. It’s so bad that when a new president comes in, the economy has to go down in most African countries. The newly elected president Magufuli of Tanzania wants all foreigner workers in his country to pack and go back to their home countries so that his people can have jobs and this time round his actions have left everyone wondering why and how he would do this to them. He has ordered all foreigners without working permits and residence permits to leave the country as soon as possible. 
Apparently in my own understanding, the most important news is always on the top of newspapers, televisions, radios and social media like Facebook, twitter and always go viral   and the least news is always at the end of newspapers, televisions and radios. Most of the hard news especially political news is on the front pages of newspapers because it always includes current events and so do audiences need to know what’s immediately taking place across the world. Political news headlines are always accurate and true with good headlines interesting to read for everyone who seems to be interested also. Unfortunately the worst thing about political news most times is always involving in conflicts between governments and oppositions. Last but not least I quote the most quote about politics “politics is a dirty game”, no wonder why there is so much conflicts, violence’s and fights in politics.

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