Wednesday 9 December 2015


We really use computers many times in our daily lives, but what do we really know about its evolution since humans dreamt of innovation and technology? Do we know how these computers were innovated from being small calculators to becoming the master intelligent machines that they are today? Imagine if computers were not there how life would be! Well you are on the true source to know about the evolution of computers as explained in details below.  

picture showing innovation of computers 

picture showing apple innovation computers since 1976 to date.

What is a computer itself? A computer is an electronic machine that accepts information, stores it, then processes it according to the instructions provided by a user and then returns the results. Today many have taken computers for granted but well no one to blame because change is a must generations after generations, as we know today computers are relatively recent, cheaper and smaller in size, the concepts and ideas behind computers have quite a bit of history (time for how we got to the age of email, YouTube, twitter, Facebook and whatsapp). The history is in generations from the first generation to the current fifth generation.
Generations of computers.

 First Generation (1939-1954) - vacuum tube.

 The first generation of computers were innovated from 1939 to 1954 and was extremely large in size which were commonly termed as super computers since one server connected to very many several servers. These machines required magnetic drums for memory and vacuum tubes that worked as switches and amplifiers.  the vacuum tubes were mainly responsible for the large size of the machines and the massive amounts of heat that they released since they consumed alot of power, they produced so much heat that they often overheated despite large cooling units.  They also used a very basic programming language known as machine language.

The first electronic computer ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) 

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.

first video about first generation computers

Second Generation Computers (1954 -1959) - transistor. 

Hear computers managed to do away with vacuum tubes in relay of transistors, this helped them to consume less electricity and produce less heat. They were significantly faster than the first generation computers in terms of speed and use. They were also smaller in size. Transistor computers also developed core memory that they used with magnetic storage.

The transistor that replaced the vacuum tubes

Transistor computers of second generation 

Third Generation Computers (1959 -1971) - integrated circuit.

Third generation computers were significantly changed in terms of speed, courtesy of integrated circuits or semiconductor chips, which had large numbers of miniature transistors packed on silicon chips. This increased the speed of computers and also became smaller, more powerful, and less expensive. In addition, instead of the punch cards and the printouts of previous generations, keyboards and monitors allowed people to interact with the computers themselves.

Integrated circuit computers 

Fourth Generation (1971-Present) - microprocessor.

During this time of error technology developed to a point where manufacturers placed millions of transistors on a single circuit chip which was referred to as monolithic integrated circuit technology. This invention led to the development of the personal computer industries.  Personal computers like the Altair 8800 were available to the public in the form of kits and required assembly. later in 1970s and early 80s assembled personal computers for home use, like the Commodore Pet, Apple II and the first IBM computer, were m into the market. They had ability to create networks which eventually led to the Internet in the early 1990s. There was creation of smaller computers such as laptops and hand-held devices, Graphical user interface (GUI) was also invented. Computer memory and storage went through great improvements, with an increase in storage capacity and speed.

Fourth generation computers with micro processors 


Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond).

This is the generation we are now in and has impacted on our lives a lot. Computers such as screen touch computers, wireless computers have been invented. through this generation, computers have become smaller in size, they consume less electricity, they are a bit cheaper compared to computers in previous generations and they are also very portable in that they are moved from one place to another. During this generation, World-Wide Web (WWW) was developed by Tim Berners-Lee and released by CERN, internet developed with social media platforms such as facebook, twitter,Youtube and whatsapp that have made our lives simpler and easy hence leaving many of us become so lazy.

 fifth generation computers.

Ipad computers.

Prediction of the future computers.

computers continue to develop into advanced forms of technology each and everyday, the sixth generation computing has yet to be truly defined, since there are numerous paths that technology is taking towards the future of computer development. For instance, research is ongoing in the fields of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, as well as quantum computation. so the world wont be amused by these great developments in technology in the years to come. 

Predicting the future of artificial intelligence

predicting the future of nanotechnology. 

predicting the future of quantum computation

Last but not least, I quote Albert Einstein "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots". Indeed the way technology is growing at a faster rate year after year we will have a generation of children that will not think by themselves but rather relay on the technology only as we do see this in the current generation. Technology therefore is there to stay and new technologies to be developed hence its the way to go, the future of our children and grand children is so bright, it will shine upon us due to the technology developments.  

Tuesday 1 December 2015


1.The number of people involved or affected:

The more people involved in a news incident, be it a protest, a tragic accident, or bombing, the more newsworthy the story becomes world wide. In the same way, the number of people affected by the incident, whether it's a bombing or accident, the more newsworthy the story becomes take an example of the Paris attacks (may their souls rest in peace), this incident became newsworthy world wide since it was published in most television broadcasts, newspapers and internet. Big numbers of people were involved since they died, it had exceptional quality element because it surprised many people, it also had the shock value element since it shocked many people globally. Last but not least it had the pathos element because many people felt so sad and pity for the families of the deceased ones and the country at large.

Area around Paris that was attacked.
leaving many people dead.

The apparent suicide bomb belt was found 10 days after the Paris attacks that left many dead and others injured.

Paris people paying their last respect to the deceased ones on the Paris attacks.

video about People flee Paris theater seconds after terrorists open fire.

2. Prominence:
News become prominent when Famous people, very important people get more coverage just because they are famous and popular around the world such as footballers, politicians and other celebrities for example  If I break both my legs or get injured, only my friends will be concerned and family members and that won't make news worthy, but if Messi  gets arm string, that becomes big news around the world.

Lionel Messi scoring against AC Roma during champions league before being dropped off due to arm string.

Lionel Messi's injury comes at an inopportune time for a struggling Barcelona side looking to regain their form from a record-breaking 2014-15 season. 

video of Lionel Messi's injury against Las Palmas.

3. Conflict.
If you look closely at the stories that make news in any given day, chances are most of them will have some element of conflict in one way or the other. Conflict is newsworthy because human beings we are naturally interested in conflicts and that brings joy and happiness at some point. Think of any book you ever read or movie ever watched, most of them have an element of conflict, without conflict, there would be no drama. Conflict is what propels or drives the human drama. Conflicts can put up possible future impact on an individual, economy, government or religion. Take an example of what is happening in the capital of the Central African Republic where many have divided among themselves due to religious lines. This is so sad and bad, this will leave an impact on the young children to hate others because of religion, I believe we are brothers and sisters in Christ and we should live in harmony whether moslem or Christian.

Central African Republic people migrating due to the conflicts in the country.

Pope francis blessing his hands on the young children of Central African Republic on his arrival on 30th november 2015.

video about religious conflicts between christians and muslims in central african Republic.

4. Human interest.
Basically, human interest is the catchall criteria for all other stories that are interesting to an audience. Stories that are unique, compelling, inspiring, amusing, and dramatic or ones that have emotional impact or appeal that will meet the standards for human interest.  A good example I would give is an interesting story about our “new cousins” (Homo naledi), as many say that we are animals merely this story is amazing and unique as it was published in the news a month ago. 

our “new cousin” (Homo naledi)

watch a video about our new cousin 'homo naled'


Monday 30 November 2015


Pope Francis headed out to Uganda's holiest shrine on Saturday 28th November 2015, paying tribute to 19th century Ugandan Christian martyrs (saints) who were killed for their confidence and faith in God, securing young men in the royal court from the abuse of the king of Buganda kingdom.

Pope Francis, on his first African visit, said Mass for countless individuals clustered on sloppy slopes surrounding the Ugandan martyrs’ shrine in Namugongo Kampala Uganda. Uganda Martyrs are a group of 23 Anglican and 22 Catholic converts to Christianity in the historical kingdom of Buganda, now part of Uganda, who were executed between November 1885 and January 1887. They were killed on orders of Mwanga II, the Kabaka (King) of Buganda. and 22 Catholic proselytes where executed amid the abuses, generally by being blazed to death, around 1884 and 1887 on the requests of King Buganda Mwanga II.

The most popular of the Catholic proselytes was Charles Lwanga, an official in the royal court who was responsible for the boy pages and was killed in day light of the fact that he attempted to protect the kids from the sexual advances of King Mwanga II and the youngest boy popularly known as saint Kizito. After their transformation they attempted to spread the confidence and faith to different people in order to convert them to Christianity and stop believing in the small gods. Today in Uganda, Christians According to the 2002 census, 85.2 percent of the population are Christians while 12.1 percent of the population adhered to Islam now make up around. Churches today run numerous schools and hospitals around the nation.

I quote Pope Francis’ words "They did this in risky and dangerous times,” during a Mass celebrated from the Anglican Uganda martyrs shrine outside the outskirts of the capital city Kampala. Traditional
singing and dancing offered route to a Western-style church choir as the pope walked to the
holy place by means of a path over the lake, which was monitored and guarded by police. The crowd was very happy and in a joyous moment, babies carried on the back of their mothers, different people from different regions of the country and from the neighboring countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda, vendors worked through long lines and thought out the day, selling pope’s t-shirts, clocks, watches, name it all tinted with pope’s face and famous quotes. The mass was well celebrated and with the pope’s blessings and powerful words of Christianity, as he stuck on his signature theme of concern about the poor and the need. Pope Francis urged thousands of those who turned up to care for the poor, the vulnerable, avoid unconventional sexual ways, conserve the environment and live true to the gospel of Christ. I must say Uganda has been blessed for it is the second African country pope Francis has visited after a 2 day visit from Kenya.